How to Connect Oracle Database XE with NetBeans IDE using JDBC Thin driver

In this tutorial, we shall learn how to connect oracle database XE with NetBeans IDE for database administration & development using NetBeans IDE and connection for developing database-oriented Java EE web application project and Java Desktop project. Basically, NetBeans IDE has already built-in support for oracle database as support to MySQL server. In this tutorial, we shall establish a connection of the locally installed oracle database XE with Netbeans IDE. Both software is installed on the same computer.

Software required for this tutorial is NetBeans IDE & Oracle Database XE which should already be installed on your computer and Oracle JDBC Thin Driver.

Oracle JDBC Thin driver is platform independent because it is based on Java language. It is the standalone driver which does not require other Oracle libraries for connection with the Oracle database, it allows a direct connection with the Database. Oracle JDBC Thin driver file " ojdbc7.jar can save before the connection is established process or during the process. We will download the file during the connection process.

Let's start, Open the NetBeans IDE, and open the Services tab as shown in the below picture. Right-click on the Database node and click on New Connection

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A window has opened, where Drive options are given to select for connection with your desired database server. We shall select Oracle Thin for Oracle Database XE as shown in the below picture. Click next for further step

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In the newly opened window, Oracle thin is already selected in the driver option but there is no file showing in Driver Files. If we have already downloaded the ojdbc.jar file on our computer, we can provide the path to the file by clicking the add button. As we have already not downloaded the driver file ojdbc.jar, a downloading link is showing below to download the driver file. Click on downloading link to download it

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Oracle website page for JDBC Drivers downloads has been opened, here different JDBC Drivers versions are showing. Our required driver version is ojdbc7.jar, click on it to download it. Save the file to your computer disk, where you want

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Put the saved ojdbc.jar file in the Folder where your Netbeans IDE is installed like 
Netbeans 7.4 -> ide -> modules->ext
This file can be put anywhere on your computer, we have just put it in the external library folder of  Netbeans IDE for ease of manage.

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Now click on add button to add the downloaded ojdbc.jar file. Give path to file where we have saved it Netbeans 7.4 -> ide -> modules->ext

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Driver File path has been added as shown in the below picture. Click next for the next step

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In this Customize connection step, we shall provide the database connection necessary parameters to connect with the database. Below are the parameters for the oracle Database XE connection

Driver Name              Oracle Thin (with Service ID (SID))
Host             localhost

If your database is installed on another computer, provided that computer IP address or resolvable hostname.

Port                        1521 (default)
Service ID (SID) XE (default SID for Oracle Database XE).

Service ID can be different for different database instances, in this case, ask the database administrator to provide desired database SID.

For our tutorial, enter the system as a username (default database administrator account) and password that you used during database installation like abc@123.

Username         Enter the username.
Password Enter the password for the selected username.

Click on the Test connection button, if the database is running and connection parameters are OK, the connection status will be successful otherwise it will show failed.

Click on Finish Button, to complete the process. 

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Congratulation, Netbeans IDE has been connected with Oracle Database XE as shown below, OracleDB node has been added to the database connection list as connected. Here all the Databases tables are shown with their tables. Here we can manage our databases accounts and tables. Here we can add, delete, modify, and views required database tables. Now we can use the Oracle database with our developing Java EE web application project, Java Desktop application project and PHP web application project, etc.

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